Men’s Mental Health & Counselling

We have come a long way in breaking the stigmas about Mental Health.  . It is a strength to be self aware and acknowledge the wide range of mental health indicators.  . Taking care of our mental health is crucial for all part of our healthiness, wellbeing, and optimal happiness.

According to recent studies, though, there is a dire need to have more education and conversations about men’s mental health.  . Society’s narrative surrounding men’s masculinity may be holding them back to acknowledge and actively address their emotions.  . 

Many men are stating the expected traits of being “strong” and “having it all together” are inhibiting them from expressing their true feelings, fears, and insecurities.  . The tendency to “hold in” stretches across peer groups, work environments and even in their relationships.  . So, the chances of seeking professional help through a doctor or counsellor are even lower.  . We need to break this stereotype.

The toll of not dealing with stressors, feelings, past traumas is incredible.  . Eventually mental and physical health will start to be compromised.  Not effectively addressing underlying problems can lead to self medicating coping skills, such as substance abuse, gambling, and bouts of anger and irritability.  . Men often feel alone in handling their day-to-day stressors.

How Can We Help!

  1.  We need more public education and awareness and supportive environments about the gender differences in mental health presentation.

  2. Creating and supporting a healthy vision of masculinity.  . To embrace and truly respect the expressions of vulnerability and deep emotions.

  3. Respond positively when men and boys open up and share their experiences.

  4. Treatment and early detection of mental health troubles

Great news is that we are making great strides on the education, understanding, and treatment of mental health in general.  Let’s continue this wonderful path and keep talking about how to continue the momentum and help each other.

Best, Sherry